Ours skills enhancement programmes have been designed to meet the educational and skill-level needs of individuals in the low-income and unemployed communities. For a service user, our programmes are a journey from basic towards enhanced employability skills.
The focus is on making learning a continuous, voluntary and joyous experience to enable our service users to take on the future with confidence as they progress towards their ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.
Self–motivated youth walk into the SEP (Skills Enhancement Programs) sessions with great hope and dreams for the employability-skills. After the initial formality of level assessment screening and admissions, gradually each individual is gently encouraged to share their dreams.
Hume Community Centre staff and the volunteers, note down these aspirations and start guiding the youth through the chosen path. While the training on specialized skills enhance their expertise, the sessions on personal grooming, time management and goal setting shape their personality.
Thus, equipped with content, capability, confidence and faith, each individual is ready to walk the journey of self-sufficiency and end the cycle of unemployment for himself and his family.